Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today, I got a call from Kim saying that they were eating at the South County food court, when Adam started yelling and pointing behind her. He was yelling "FOOTBALL FOOTBALL!!!". Kim turned around, and sure enough, football was playing on the TV... not soccer, or basketball, but football.

He's a sponge! I shall call him Spongebob! I pointed to the TV last Sunday during the Packer game and told him that it was football, but that's the extent of it. Just the fact that he remembered 4 days later, and could differentiate it between other sports with balls is impressive.

Well done Spongebob!

I'm Batman

I forgot to document this!

About a week ago, Kim and Adam were at the grocery store, and the clerk asked Adam what his name was, to which he replied... "Batman".

Yes, my son is Batman.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Adam counting

Kim just called me, and Adam just counted to 10!

She said that she had counted to 10 fifteen minutes earlier. And he was saying 6 and 7 over and over again in the back seat. Then all of a sudden he says:


So he skipped 4 and 5, but it still counts! I knew he could count to 3, and I've heard him say 5 and 6 together, but I've never heard him say them ALL together in the correct order!

We're so proud of him!

Adam's First Big-Boy Sentence

Well, Adam has been putting together little sentences for a couple of months now. Things like "Daddy, go outside" and things like that. Sometimes he'd get the words jumbled up, but the whole of it was there.

Yesterday Kim called me at work to tell me his first complete sentence. Apparently he had pooped, so she took him upstairs to his room to change his diaper. He was not having it. I guess he was squirming and trying to get away, and just didn't want to be up there. So Kim told him, "Adam, you pooped, I have to change your diaper... then we'll go back downstairs and play". She continued, but he just kept on struggling. So finally she asked "Adam, why don't you want me to change your diaper?" And his response was "Mama, I dihn't poop".

See? All the makings of a complete sentence. We love the fact that his first real sentence was a complete lie. Kim was looking at the poop as he said it (she's a lucky gal, huh?). Not to mention the fact that it was about poop!

Anyway, he's developing his vocabulary so fast, it's so much fun to be able to talk to him and have him answer back.

Sunday, September 06, 2009


I just wanted to write a quick post to let you all know that Adam took a HUGE step towards talking like a little boy. When he was around 12 months, Kim and I counted up all of the words he knew and it was ALOT. He continued to learn more, but it was at a much slower pace. We even commented how he hasn't really picked up on alot of new words, and he even got lazier with the words he knew, like "daddy" became "dayee".

But, about 3-4 weeks ago, he kicked it up into high gear again. It's like he absorbed everything during his slow-time, without ever letting on that he was paying attention, then suddenly used up all of the new words at one time.

It's crazy, now he's talking like a little boy, and we're loving it! We get to have little conversations with him, he's stringing together words into sentences, and he's adding ownership to words, like "mommy's car", etc.

We're very proud of him.