Monday, August 24, 2009

Adam is pretending on a whole new level.

Adam has been pretending for a while now. He plays with his cars and trucks making "beep beep" noises, or his airplanes going "nehhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrr, dadadadadadada", etc.

But I got a call this morning from Kim saying that she took him downstairs to feed him breakfast, and he brought "Brownie" down with him (the stuffed dog I got him and her for her first Mother's Day). Kim proceeded to ask him if he wanted cereal and he whispered "Shhhh, mama, puppy sleeping" and he laid it down on it's side. Kim loved it, but played along and said "Oh, ok. I'll lay him over here". So she gently moved him to another chair, all the while trying not to wake him".

Adam was fine with that. So Kim went about her business of preparing breakfast for him, and kind of forgot that the puppy was sleeping. So she asked him another question to which he responded in a very serious whisper again, "No no no, mama, puppy sleeping, shhhhhh".

We kind of have to assume he's relating this puppy to our new neighbors' new chocolate lab. And he's playing make believe, pretending that he has a real puppy. But either way, it's so much fun to watch him evolve into such a wonderful little boy.