Friday, August 08, 2008

My new favorite word

After about a month of Adam telling me how much he loves "mama", he finally said the word I've been waiting my whole life to hear.

He said "dada"!

It was pretty funny too, because it was this morning, and Kim and I were sitting on the couch relaxing before I had to go in to work, and we were both trying to get him to focus on us while we said "dada" really slowly for him.

He was too interested in standing and holding on to the couch and declaring his dominance over the floor, when finally, almost out of anger, and seemingly to shut us both up, he yelled "dada".

We both looked at each other and kind of laughed, because it was not an innocent, meek little "dada" that came out of his mouth, it was a full-blown, somewhat angry version of the same great word.

Either way, it was amazing, as a father, to hear that for the first time. And, as always, we're both very proud of him.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Standing man!

2008-08-02 - Adam Thuli 0002, originally uploaded by jason2li.

Yep, he's moved right up from crawling, to standing! He pulls himself up and can wobbly walk along couches and chairs. He's loving every second of it!