Adam got to see his first movie, "SeaRex", this past Monday.
We got to the Science center a little after 10AM, and planned on going to the 11AM show. But apparently I didn't pay attention to the AM/PM part, and there was no 11AM show, just an 11PM show. So we had to wait until the next showing, which was 1PM.
We figured that 3 hours to kill at the Science Center with a 3-year-old might not be that fun... but boy were we wrong.
Adam was perfect the whole time. We went through the Grossology exhibit, which has educational stations explaining why out body needs to do the gross things (burp, fart, vomit, etc). There was actually a station where you put your nose up to this nozzle, push a button, and smell the smell that comes out. The buttons were labeled "Bad breath", "Armpit", "Foot", and "Anus". Yeah... we were all dumb enough to smell them.

Then, we spend about an hour in the gift shop. Kim read Adam books, and Adam played with some of the toys. But we were up front with him in the beginning and said that we're just looking. And that went over just fine. He was great, and never complained.
Finally we went to the show. During the previews, Adam declared "The TV is as big as our house!" quite loudly during a silent part. It was pretty funny. But after we told him that he needs to whisper a few times, that's exactly what he did. He was quiet for the rest of the show. It was pretty cute watching him turn his entire body back-and-forth to see the whole screen.
We made a big deal about how good he was... and how he whispered instead of spoke out loud. So, on the way home, he kept saying "The movie was SOOO cool!" and "I whispered, I was a good boy", and stuff like that. So you could tell that he had a really great time.
Kim and I were excited, because now we have a new movie buddy.